Finding Wellness Within: Nurturing Self-Love for Busy Mothers

Finding Wellness Within: Nurturing Self-Love for Busy Mothers
Mom In Motion Consulting, in Boston, is a wellness service that cultivates a world of balance between business demands and home harmony with self-love as the foundation. I am dedicated to serving mothers who often feel tugged in many different directions with little to no time for themselves.
Our journey together will embark on a healing experience where we will work together to understand what’s been blocking your sense of self-love and what healing looks like for you. We all have goals to achieve in life, but sometimes it’s necessary to stand ‘IN’ your way so that you know how to get ‘OUT’ of your way.
After our journey together, you will walk away knowing how to do the inner healing work (or, as I call it, the ‘shadow’ work) and how to work WITH your shadow rather than AGAINST it. 
We are going to go from catastrophe to calm.